identifies whserver.exe in Tradestation 8 build 1531 as a trojan incorrectly and won’t allow software to run. Adding tradestation to the exclusions list does not fix. see
This is a fatal error against a major stock trading software, please fix.
Please send the file in a password protected zip to
Put in the email that you found it is a false positive, as what it is detected exactly and don’t forget to mention the pasword in the email
Ditto here…I posted an inquiry about this virus message to start another thread. Avast stopped me from trading all day today and I tried endless attempts to eradicate the supposed virus infection. I never heard of false positives before in antivirus software. Avast, please fix this ASAP. I can’t operate without a scanner but I can’t use Avast either until this is fixed and will have to get a different product.
False positives are not something new. All av software has it from time to time. But at least Alwil is not denying it and publicly (in this board) talks about it. That is one of the things I like. They are not trying to hide it, they talk about it, listen to the users and solve the problem ;D
you should Exclude the relevant file(s) in both
avast main/OnDemand-Scanner as well as in its
Resident Shield/On-Access-Scanner…
→ then you should be able to use it…
(admin-login is probably required…)
Also please see user’s FAQ in OffTopic forum if settings don’t remain…