0xe06d7363 and PC useless after update to AVAST 7...i'm going crazy

Hi all. I just updatet to AVAST7…it asks me for a reboot…
after reboot i got this error:
error 0xe06d7363

If i press “Finish” button the error appears again! So i can’t close the error and open avast…

I uninstalled avast and installed AVAST6 and it works fine.

Please fix it because i really want to try AVAST7… :-[ :-[ :-[

Why didn’t you try a clean install of avast 7 instead of going back to 6? A clean install should be ok.

Hi. I already tried uninstall (also with aswclear)…nothing changed.

This is a screenshot of the error…please support me

Any hint please?

Please take out that link. It leads to a malware site from the ad it opens when trying to see the screen shot.

If you want to add a little (relevant) screen shot (no need to upload a full screen of your desktop), then use the “attachments and other options” link on the left side of “post”.

Similiar problem for me. Updated to v7 and all worked fine. After the reboot, avastUI shows same exception with 0xe06d7363 code.
During avast uninstallation, the explorer crashed and a desktop remained clear. However uninstallation had finished because after the reboot, my browser showed a tab with questions regarding the avast uninstallation. Clean installation was fine, after the reboot same exceptions. So far I am on with my system after clear installation and wont reboot for a few days. My system i7-860, Win7Pro x64, latest windows and avast updates installed.

Any help on this will be appreciated.

I have this exact problem as well. After using aswclear.exe, deleting program folders, using a registry cleaner, and performing several clean re-installations all in safe mode with reboots in between every step, I have been unable to get avast! 7 to operate after rebooting. Avast! 7 works perfectly immediately after installation. But, after rebooting and logging-in, my system returns the following error.

Msg: AvastUi.exe - Application Error

The exception unknown software exception (0xe06d7363) occurred in the application at location 0x7652fc56.

After clicking “OK” this message immediately reappears and sounds the “avast! virus database has been updated” notification several seconds later. I can repeat this indefinitely with no change.

I have Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit.

Thanks, Trevbob

I get the error also. The message reads “…Software exception 0xe06d7363 occurred in application at location 0x76fb9bc…” I haven’t done the uninstall/reinstall yet. I decided to look here first.
4 gb RAM
Windows 7 with all updates.

I’m attaching ALL FILES in C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log, hope this helps…

Please fix as soon as you can because we are without an antivirus at the moment…thanks

the same thing happen to me… after updating avast yesterday, the msg AvastUI.exe: application error kept popping out. I’ve tried everything said in this forum but none of them work… please help…

I encounter a couple of BSOD. It is just right after updating Avast! Now I really worry about this situation.

Try the following:

1_ download http://public.avast.com/~kurtin/part-setup_ais-570.vpx
2_ Set program updates and definitions updates to “manual” (both of them).
3_ settings → troubleshooting → disable self defense module.
4_ copy the above vpx file in your

c:\Program Files\Avast Software\avast*\Setup\part-setup_ais-570.vpx
(note I used "*" in case you have some number in that folder name). 5_ perform program update. 6_ wait for the program update to finish and reboot. 7_ reset the program update settings to "ask" and the definition updates to "auto" 8_ re-enable the self defense module.

Please report back.

I have the same problem like op. Win 7 x64
I uninstalled avast since I couldn’t remove that boring pop up message and avast was talking every 2-3 min that virus data base was updated.
I couldn’t even come to program gui to set up anything cause that message jumps right away after installation.
Hope they fix it.


This error makes the program completely useless. I cannot open the GUI through the tray icon, launchers, etc. I cannot change settings, run scans, or do anything else. Avast! just does not respond.

Thanks, Trevbob

Did you try to uninstal… wait nothing works for this funken program now i just want it to woooooooooooork!!! ??? I went crAzy :-\

Step one

Step two once rebooted run the installer

Avast! Free Antivirus 7.0.1407

If you are preforming a clean install this should fix any problems, unless the issues is not Avast related and do to other problems on the computer.

As stated earlier, “After using aswclear.exe, deleting program folders, using a registry cleaner, and performing several clean re-installations all in safe mode with reboots in between every step[with different options], I have been unable to get avast! 7 to operate”.

I am clearly not the only one having this problem; I doubt it is related to problems with our own PC’s. What would cause this?

Thanks, Trevbob

If I hear about one more uninstall I’m going to hurl… ;D

You did not them I said , their for not preforming a clean install, “deleting program folders, using a registry cleaner” should not be needed,
I would presume its a problem with the computer further and not Avast.

All of us that are presenting this problem have vastly different hardware and software configurations. Therefore, it seems logical to assume that the one similar thing in all of our PC’s (avast! 7.0.1407) might, just might, be causing the problem? Wait, there might be something wrong with all of our PC’s - they are executing code with a major issue. :slight_smile:

Thanks, Trevbob