1 computer not updating

On my computer no problems.

On my wife’s computer nothing updates. When I check my account I noticed her computer was not updating.
She decided to do a clean install of avast. Remitted her info through GUI seemed to have worked.

Checked My account next day and has gone back to not updating. Only updated when info first put into GUI.

Both Computers windows 10 pro, Avast internet security 11.1.2253

It seems to me that lastest version only updates after a system restart…

Disable fastboot.
That is very likely the culprit.

Thanks Eddy
That was the culprit alright.

I already had fastboot disabled on my computer. Did not even think to check the wife’s computer

Also Thanks Tonanet for your reply

You’re welcome.

Fastboot is not a true clean/fresh boot.
It skips things and that makes avast believe the system wasn’t turned off (which is correct).

Let’s say you need to clean a house.
Washing the windows, emptying the trash bins, vacuum clean the floors etc.
You are working as fast as you can but it will take a certain amount of time.
It is not possible to do it faster.
So how do you safe time?
Only way is to skip things and that is what fastboot is doing.