1 new interesting feature

We have a technical service and we clean HARD DISKS from viruses, so we unplug the HD from the PC and we plug it on a clean PC for a safety clean.

1 new features would be very usefull:

1.-You can choose the unit c:, d:, etc… but if you plug a HD from another computer, avast does not review the REGISTRY as is, only like another file more.

So you can choose to review&fix the registry of the OS of that HD, because now, it only reviews the registry of the MASTER computer.

For safety we check all the HD’s from a clean PC…but we can not fix the registry, only deletes/repair the files.

This happens because, as you said, pluggin an HD from another computer will tell avast to just scan the Registry like another files.

avast Cleaner could fix the registry for some infections at the same infected computer.

But it would be nice that we could choose an option to fix the REgistry of “other pcs” if we are checking in our PC their HD’s…

I could be wrong but I think BART CD could do this job…
Anyway, some expert from Alwil must say something. :-\

Yes BART CD is usefull ;D

but BART 4.0 PRO is cheaper.
And with our method we can check HD health too … sometimes the faults are not viruses hehehehe.

Well, I must say I don’t know what “registry checking” you mean - as far as I know, avast! Pro doesn’t do much of that…
In any case, I’m afraid that working with other system’s registry is really rather a BART’s job, not avast! Pro.

I’m glad I was not so far from the truth on my first post… 8)