1 Year Key

Having installed Avast! just a few days ago, I’m suitably impressed. It’s a great product. I’m curious as to why the keys only last for one year in total?

I occasionally put together a PC for family members and close friends (without charge). Installing Avast! onto them is a sound idea, but it’d be much better if the key didnt expire after a period of time. Your thoughts?

What version did you install?

i would not know why thay expire in a year (14 months) i clould only guess because alwil likes to count how many users have avast home.

In fact I won’t call that ‘expiration’ as you can register again for free after that time.
The company has the right to ask at least for this little three steps registration for giving us the best antivirus round for free, don’t you think? 8)

Oh yep, I know what your saying. I just feel they could do in a different manner. Here’s how:

a) Track users via the update module (check the key used upon sig updates).

b) Add in a ‘Do you wish to re-register’ screen upon expiration, stating that it is free etc, and make it easy for people who just want it to ‘work’.

c) Send out a courtesy email with a new registration key prior to expiration.


Ross, I agree with you too.
Why don’t you copy & paste this suggestions here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=12640.0 :wink:

Done ;D