Hi malware fighters,
Telstra was handing out infected USB sticks at a conference recently and called them back later, again more usb sticks were found infected with the autorun virus etc. It is like in the days of the infected diskettes or floppy disks:
Hi Damian!
The things here is even worse – almost 90% of removable drives I have to use at a work place are infected with various types of malwares 
and all this could be easily prevented by MS if they bothered …
Hi malware fighters,
Open the command prompt, and type :
attrib -s -h -r autorun.in
Download DrWebCureIt from here: ftp://ftp.drweb.com/pub/drweb/cureit/launch.exe
Place it in a folder on your removable disk, it alerts for the most recent version to download. so
you are always provided with the most recent one,
If you are administring :
- Start > Run, type in ‘gpedit.msc’ without the quotes,
this will show you the Group Policy Editor.
- Goto ‘Computer Configuration’ > ‘Administrative
Templates’ > ‘System’ and select ‘Turn Off Autoplay’
- When the properties for the policy pops up, check
‘Enable’ and select ‘All Drives’ and hit OK.