Had to reinstall the update files again today. Avast put the old files back and boot time went from 2min to 25min. (it has to be avast because system restore is disabled)
I installed Avast about a week a half ago and had a terrible time for a couple of days with it slowing my internet surfing to a crawl at best. I was completely frustrated. I posted on this forum and people were so helpful and I eventually ended up with the link to the patches for fixing some Windows XP issues. Everything is just fine now with my system and I can now see why people recommend Avast; however, when I initially visited the site and downloaded Avast I had no knowledge that there were Avast and XP conflicts… had this been made clear along with the requisite patches I would literally have been saved about three days of experimenting and trying everything including talking to my service provider and my ‘computer guys’ to determine what the problem was. Having said that, it highlights the usefulness of this forum and how helpful people are.
I do suggest Avast make it clear that a patch is required for XP users as many people are still XP users.
What is clear in the link http://public.avast.com/~kurtin/patches/ is that only those running certain software on their system needs to apply the patch. The majority of WinXP users won’t need to patch, as they aren’t running that software.
I’m not running that software but was told there are conflicts with Avast and XP generally. Don’t know what’s going on but, to new users of Avast, it’s confusing.
It’s not that clear that the patch is only designed for certain programs in XP. On my XP PRO SP3 laptop, there has been a general slowdown with this release, so I went back one release and speed has been improved.
The only patch specifically for WinXP only (the one mentioned in this thread subject) lists 3 programs that have conflicts.
ap2011-17-07-002: Patch for slowdown with RAXCO PerfectDisk/Retrospect/Norton Ghost software, Windows XP only! (Free/Pro/IS)
Fairly clear to most people.
I’ve noticed no speed problem or other issues with Avast 6.0.1203. If downgrading clears some issue on your machine, then that’s what you had to do. It’s hard to foresee problems across all configurations. Even extensive beta testing cannot encounter what the final release will be installed alongside.
There is no patch necessary for all XP users. I’m running XP with no problems at all and without any patch. The XP patch is only for people who also have certain other software installed. The software is listed where you get the patch from.
well i did have problems the past week and i’m also running XP. i’ve lost a lot of time trying to figure out what was causing my systems to almost come to a standstill ( especially since the cpu usage was nearly idle at all times ). for me it was because i use Retrospect for backups and both the clients and the server have this problem. a patch rarely applies to everyone. but if something has been fixed, then it’s normal to include it in the program updates as soon as possible. i think this thread should be stickied and renamed to describe that this is a fix for a problem ( this thread is important and doesn’t stand out ).
I can’t understand why an interim release couldn’t be put out to contain these
important fixes. They’re important enough that they should have been incorporated ASAP.
To leave it as it is kind of unprofessional. I would not consider buying Avast!
with this happy-go-lucky attitude. Is there even any mention of the patch on the
download page?
I was fine with the previous release and am more than OK to return to it as I had zero problems there. Can’t speak to the issues with defraggers and backup programs as I use none of the above.