17.1.2285 Smart Scan



When I press on details, where are they ???
Resolve all isn’t an answer. Most people are not going to blindly push the Resolve All button.
Were can the results be found ???

Couldn’t agree more, people want to see the details and also have the option to deselect options before committing to any resolution.

But in this case if they did click Resolve All blindly, I believe it would drive you towards paying for another avast product ?

Clicking on the Fix All shows the following:


Clicking on an individual Category gives you details:


Unless you have a paid license, you need to do your own investigation and fixes.
You do have a chance to see what was found.

Is there a difference between paid and free version?

Thank you so much for getting back to me and showing me what happens if one clicks “resolve all” because it looked like it was just going to go ahead and make changes to my computer without me knowing what they would be.

Thanks again! :slight_smile:

I think that the wording could be changed from Resolve All (scares the pants of people) to View Details or something close to that. I think people would be more inclined to check what was found rather than click a button that is apparently going to Resolve All (TAKE ACTION).

Totally agree with you. They would also probably be more inclined to buy the added feature. :slight_smile:

Must admit I wasn’t thinking of that (purchase it) when I compiled the post, but a very valid point.

Why and how did you do that?

As I know: A compiler is a special sw, which translates written code of higher computer languages into machine code.
:wink: ;D

Compile has been around a lot longer than computers, that is just one meaning, when taken in context of my post there is only one meaning.

1. to make or compose from other materials or sources: to compile a list of names. 2. to collect or gather for a book, hobby, etc 3. (Computer Science) computing to create (a set of machine instructions) from a high-level programming language, using a compiler

Thx, David, for clearing. I’ve learned s.th.!