How much ‘cleaner’ does it get?
See reply #13
- Remove all files/folders/registry entries from avast - Reboot - Install avast as it never ever was installed before
So am I to assume that the Avast removal tool does NOT “Remove all files/folders/registry entries from avast”? Isn’t that the point of the tool?
If not, that makes it nearly impossible to “Install avast as it never ever was installed before”.
avastclear only removes some things (mainly some registry entries), but certainly not everything.
The claim from avast that it removes avast is false.
No, it is not nearly impossible to remove avast completely.
It is really simple to do so, it just requires “basic computer” knowledge.
Then I was misled/mistaken to believe that the tool would remove all traces. If it does not, it certainly should.
And you are mistaken in believing that I do not have 'basic computer" knowledge.
I can see that my help is not wanted here. Good day, and good luck getting the problem(s) solved.
I never said that you don’t have “basic computer knowledge”, but if you have to ask “how much cleaner does it get” you sure have proven not to have it.
Yes, excuse me for expecting that the uninstall tool would do its job.
And I’m sure Avast is proud to have you insulting people on their forums.
Avast has a utility that they claim does a clean removal of Avast from the user’s system. The file name is “avastclear.exe”.
It seems to me that it is reasonable to expect that this tool removes all traces of Avast from the user’s system.
It is NOT reasonable for a user to be forced to assume that it does not do so.
It is NOT reasonable to expect the user to manually continue removing traces of Avast from his/her system AFTER running the utility provided by Avast for that purpose.
This is not to say that one shouldn’t be aware of what is being done to his/her system. But it IS reasonable to assume that the utility is doing the job that its provider claims it is doing.
Eddy, I’m afraid you are not helping. So far as I can tell, your attitude is the unreasonable one here.
I have used the avastclear.exe uninstall tool on a number of occasions, generally when going form beta to regular version, etc.
I have never gone hunting for any remnants and that hasn’t been an issue when I have used the uninstall utility. Essentially it is meant to be there if you have experienced a problem with the regular windows programs and features uninstall. But I do feel that it is better than just the windows uninstall.
Второй день не могу обновить бесплатный аваст до версии 17.1.2286. На ПК уже полтора года стоит Win 10 64 официальная с обновлениями. Аваст на шаге 2/3 пишет неизвестная ошибка. Не уверен, что правильно понял буржуйскую клинопись форума, но получается если как советуют здесь вычистить комп от аваста затем поставить с нуля, то он может и не стать, а ПК будет вообще без защиты, что не очень хорошо. Если это так, что все таки Вы посоветуете делать подождать исправлений пакета обновлений или чистить и ставить “с нуля” или пробовать что-то еще?
P.S. При необходимости я в состоянии предоставить Вам любую техническую информацию как о железе ПК так и о програмном обеспечении.
there is a reason why everyone here is posting in English.
It is a English forum !
Is there a forum with this theme in Russian ? please tell me where to find. If not I’ll try in English. The second day I can not update the free avast to version 17.1.2286. I have a personal computer with the official Win 10 64, all updates installed. Your company is preparing a hotfix to the update package 17.1.2286 ? What to do: wait for corrections if they will either clean the system from Avast and install the new one ( it can’t be installed ?) or try something else? Can You provide any technical information about the hardware or software of my computer.
Here you go:
Thanks for the link, the problem was resolved through support by reinstalling Avast.
Got the same problem today with vista sp2 (updated Avast on another computer running Windows 7 no problem). It was exactly the same the last time Avast updated his program (last august I think). They had to update the new release and then it worked fine. So I hope they realize that people are having problem under vista with this release and will correct it
You’re welcome.
Devs are investigating it.
Hi guys, are the problems with Windows Vista on 32bit builds or 64bit ? Thanks.
The problems I was/am seeing are on a 32-bit Vista machine. I can access a UI from the tray icon (right-click, ‘About Avast’), but the launch of the ‘User Interface’ results in a blank white box that is difficult to get rid of.
Visit and download an earlier version. Don’t update to latest