Heilsa! I finally got to run an full scan on my Sony, Win98 & it came up with 17 infected files. I do not have this machine on line, so I am rather limited to what I can do with it. I am on line with another machine & can download stuff to disc for it. I was told to do another scan with Superantispyware & came up with 800 & something detections. I want clean this old computer, keep it for the kids. I read the recommendations provided in the threads pertaining to this, prior to this, but this is a lot out of my league. After scanning with these 2 antivirus & antispyware programs to my understanding it is recommended to run Avast Cleaner. Will Avast Cleaner run on Win98? Also it said to disable all active antivirus programs before running Cleaner. Do I also let out the infected files from the Avast chest & from the super Quarantine? It was also recommended I run ATF Cleaner it is compatible with Win98 but do I have to disable the virus programs & let infected files out with ATF too? Here is just what Avast detected and has in its chest;
I also have copy of log from Superantispyware scan if needed it detected the same stuff, some more & whole bunch tracking cookies. I would appreciate all the help I could get. Thank you!
The “Avast Cleaner” is run ONLY under very limited circumstances, which I
feel do NOT apply in your current situation . When it comes to having either
Avast or SUPERAntiSpyware “deal” with a common set of malware, I feel
SUPERAntiSpyware should be the “Choice”. I would recommend you “release”
what is contained in Avast’s “Chest” ( the Quarantine feature ) and run a
“Complete Scan” of SUPERAntiSpyware and follow that program’s
“Recommendations” for dealing with the whole “Mess” .
As to the “ATF Cleaner” I recommended, it is very safe to use and contains
NO “Registry cleaner” portion of its programming . Best to use
SUPERAntiSpyware PRIOR to using ATF Cleaner, because part of ATF
Cleaner has a “Prefetch” feature Best used AFTER dealing with spyware, etc
on One’s computer .
Heilsa! I am running another scan with SuperAntiSpyware after restoring the infected files from Avast virus chest. I will then do what it recommends & then run the ATF Cleaner do what it suggests & reply back with the results immediately. Thank you SpiritSongs and others.
Well if you are on 98 SE you’d better install the unofficial service pack to make it more compatible with the supported Windows versions, you can download an upgrade from here: http://exuberant.ms11.net/98sesp.html
See to it that your java version is the most recent, and remove older versions manually,
use the latest Firefox browser with the no-script add-on to prevent reinfections,
P.S. If you upgraded 98 SE with the Unofficial SP, optional are these fixes:
Do you have any of these updates?
Heilsa! polonus I need to know how to check to see if I have any updates as I don’t know where to look. I also don’t think I’m running Win98 SE. It says Win98 4.10.1998. As for the java cache etc… I am trying to run ATF Cleaner right now. Oh, I am not on line with the Sony Win98.
Heilsa! SpiritSongs, I have finished running the second scan with SuperAntiSpyware after restoring the infected files from the Avast chest. As far as I can tell it detected 4 Trojans over all. On the first scan it detected 35 registry threats and 886 file threats. On the second scan it detected 11 file threats. It said at some point that it was removing & quarantining these. It displayed it to fast for me to see which it did what to. Is there a way to see what it did to what when? I can show you all the two different logs. They are rather long though. The first time it picked up Trojans, Comet cursors, Adware, & Worms. The second time it picked up more trojans, & adware. I then ran the ATF Cleaner. It did the cleaning real quick like seconds. It also pulled up two boxes. Both had the same stuff except one had an, all users temp, current users temp, & an Prefetch included with the other options that the other one had too. The one with the Prefetch etc… wouldn’t run when all options were selected. So I selected each one individually and it gave me an, no files were removed. I tried the other one. I selected all the options it had and it said within a couple of seconds, Done Cleaning. Is this the norm? Did it work?
No need to see either “log” from your SUPERAntiSpyware Scans; I will assume
it did an excellent job. If you want to see their Log(s), I assume there is
probably a way to see them & recommend you ask THEM on THEIR Support
Forums at http://forums.superantispyware.com .
As to ATF Cleaner : Never heard of “2 boxes”; how many of this program’s
“icon(s)” are on your desktop ? When I downloaded ATF Cleaner a while back
onto my Win XP machine, I got 1 icon on my desktop and when I left-click it,
I get a menu of various Choices, which I put checkmarks in my Choices, then
click the “Empty Selected” button . You have a different experience ?
Heilsa! yes, I had a different experience with the ATF Cleaner. For one it didn’t install at all to my desktop, I guess I could put it there, it just ran when I left clicked on it. Then it gave me the two boxes with some extra choices in one, the one that didn’t work. The other one supposedly worked, I guess, but within a couple of seconds. Does that sound right? To me to delete all of that stuff it should have taken awhile. Should I put ATF on the desktop & try it there? Do you think it would make a difference? What do I do with whats quarantined? Take it to their site huh, I’ll try that.
How did you “left clicked on it” IF there is NOT an icon on your desktop !?
This program does NOT “install” per se; after it finishes downloading, there
show be a “ATF-Cleaner…” with a symbol of a trash can with its lid on its
side above the “Writing” on your monitor screen; it that there ? I call that an
“icon” on the desktop.
What do those 2 boxes say at the top of the box(es) ?
Heilsa! I downloaded ATF on to disc. I then go to “my computer” and I left click on G drive as this is my cd-rom then it gives me icons for whats on the disc then I left click on the Blue Trash can that says ATF Cleaner.exe under it and and two dialog boxes, I guess there called, pop up. They both say, “ATF Cleaner - Main”, with the little blue trash can, to the left, at the top of the box. Then it has Main, Firefox, Opera, & Information choices, I guess, under that. Then it has the trash can again to the left & says in big bold letters to the right of that ATF Cleaner. Under that it says, for Windows 98. Then select files to delete. Then the choices. Both boxes are the same accept for one has an, all users Temp choice, but its greyed out, an current users Temp & an Prefetch. This one does not work when I select all. It hangs up as when I used task manager to see why it was not responding it said ATF not responding. When I select each choice on this one individually it says, no files were removed, on each choice. When I select all on the other box with the fewer choices a little box pops almost right away saying its Done Cleaning.
You certainly have broaden my knowledge concerning the downloading of ATF
Cleaner ; it appears when downloading to a disk, the program does not know
WHICH SPECIFIC operating system the program will be used on or the
Broswers that will be used, so it “gives” 2 different “versions” . So should use
the “version” that “works”; eventually when you are reasonably sure the
Win 98 OS is “clean”, you should uninstall the current “versions”, then
download ATF “DIRECTLY” onto the computer from their Download Site .