When I right click on a Short cut on my desktop or a program in my Start All Programs menu why does it have 2 entries for the Avast scan? One ending in .exe and the other ending in .ink?Why would I need both of them? And is this a little bug maybe? If I could I would only like to have the .exe shown. Only reason is I don’t like having to many thing in my context menu.
Can you post a screenshot, please?
here you go
Interesting… I’ll check that.
I never had such problem…
Maybe if Igor does not find an answer you could un-check one of them with ContextEdit:
can you post a pic of you right clicking on a program in your All Programs menu list please.I would like to see what yours shows. Or a short cut on your desktop. Thanks
I don’t have such a problem too.
Here’s a screenshots:
no the pic you posted is not what I am talking about. Look at the pics I posted.
Am I the onlyone here with this little problem? :-[
It seems so…
Please, try to find {472083B0-C522-11CF-8763-00608CC02F24} in your registry - in particular, in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. There should be a few occurrences - so paste the corresponding keys here.
I will get you the info soon!
Here you go! I hope this helps.
The list looks completely normal (i.e. exactly how it should look like). avast! shell extension is registered to handle all files (*) and folders.
I really don’t know why the second item (“Scan … lnk”) appears there. If I should guess, I’d say it is caused by some other program (that you have installed on your computer) that modifies the context menu this way. Do you any such tool (some kind of GUI extension… don’t know what exactly it should be)?
I did a scan with both the .exe and .ink.
Is there an option to remove the Avast from the context menu?
Test the program link I’ve posted before for edit ContextMenu.
Into avast4.ini file you can only hide the icon with value
in section [UserInterface] of avast4.ini file.
gate1975mlm wrote
Am I the onlyone here with this little problem? :-[
You don’t have to feel like the lone ranger ;D I’ve got the same exact thing.
I really didn’t notice this because I have never scanned an icon on the desktop or in the programs list before this since I have only used the context menu to scan Window Explorer items which works just fine. BUT EVEN IF I HAD NOTICED THIS I WOULD HAVE ASSUMED THAT THIS WAS OKAY BECAUSE IT WOULD BE FOR THE PURPOSE TO SCAN BOTH THE ICON AND THE EXECTABLE, BUT WHAT DO I KNOW… ;D
But since this appears to be a problem, here’s what I found that maybe will help the techies figure this out ???
The first list for Avast on the context menu appears to be the “exectable”, the second appears to be the name of the icon where it will have the “ink” extent.
Example: When right clicking on the Outlook Express icon I get:
Scan msimn.exe as the first entry
Scan Outlook Express.ink as the second entry (name of the icon)
When I click on a program I know what the executable is I get the same thing. The top one says: Scan USERID.exe and the bottom one says Scan My Passwords.ink (which is the name of the icon)
What is interesing however is this When I scan on a zipped file I get this:
Scan WINZIP32.EXE (on the first one)
Scan data1.cab.ink (the name of the icon again)
The first one is the zip program which I guess is still consistent with being the exectable program ??? since it is a zipped file.
But what’s even more interesting is when I get the context menu for the ms-dos prompt icon THERE IS NOT PROBLEM because I only get ONE scan selection choice where it says: Scan MS-DOS Prompt.pif, I suppose this still maybe consistent in that it is not an “exectable program” maybe ??? But atleast this shortcut menu is okay. So it ONLY happens with EXECTABLE program ICONS (I say ICONS since this does NOT happen WITH WINDOWS EXPLORER ENTRIES !!! (SEE FURTHER)
I hope this all helps… As I said I have only scanned files in Windows Explorer which does not have this problem so I hadn’t noticed this before.
Btw, I have a QUESTON for gate1975mlm If you right click on a file in Window Explorer you don’t get BOTH ENTRIES for Avast Scan DO YOU ? ??? So two Avast entries in the list only occurs when you right click on an icon in the desktop or in the Programs menu list, right ?
Don’t ask for pictures because I don’t know how to do that since I can’t seem to trap the short cut menu since when I click on “Alt/Print Screen” the context menu (shortcut list) goes away and I don’t get it included in the picture. I have no idea how you guys do it ???