2 iAVS alerts !

I received 2 iAVS alerts regarding the same update ::slight_smile:
anyone knows why? ???

Edit: one at 5:49 PM and the other at 9:08 PM

Hi Mina,

They are different… one is a virus added the other is improved ;D

It’s not the same update - actually, it is the second one today ;D…

In the second one we have (as the message explains) improved the MiMail-E detection (and added the detection of unpacked sample as well)…


I did not notice that :-[
thanx Walker,Pavel ;D

avast is so good that I don´t have time to even receive the emails and it is already updated automatically. What is my feeling? This ;D or this :cry: ?
Thanks Pavel. Updates in Sundays… We are becoming paranoid!

Btw, will avast! have a service (email) informing new virus added to vps file? 8)

No, we offer just this web page :smiley:



I think that the page reference you provided explains what new virii are protected by Avast.

My main appreciation in Avast lies in the fact that I know MY SYSTEM IS PROTECTED!.

I do refer to the virus page occasionally when a new virus is in the ‘news’ and I want more information as to how it affects the system and any special removal techniques. (In case I need to assist someone else who is not fortunate enough to be using Avast!) ;D


Yeah! ;D
News from virus and ‘curiosities’ just to remember of avast! :wink:
But, sometimes, we heard from viruses and we want to ‘listen’ something about avast! team… Just to ‘sleep’ better, without any worry 8)