I have 2 computers on my desk
For a little period of time I am using both, one after the other on the same gringojack@aol.com line
I installed a 4.6 version of avast 4 home on each
On one of them I get a message on a red panel in the bottom saying that there is an error
I also have a fire wall that brings no problem, I think
I entered a registration # in each
Where this red error panel comes from?
More information is needed to tangle this question, but if I would make a first guess:
Avast checks for updates as soon as the system is booted. After that every 4 hours (unless you change that in avast4.ini) My guess is that there is no connection to the net while Avast starts and then you would get the red box as RejZoR said.
If you mean there is a red stripe across the Avast blue ball next to the clock:
It means Avast isn’t running. Make sure any other AV is COMPLETLY removed before installing Avast on that system.
avast seems working good there is no red stripe on the the little blue ball and I am using the internet line, so it works
A wrong piece of info in the setup panel perhaps?
the other issue on the other machine, on the same internet line works fine
Change (or add) AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds value into the [InetWD] section of avast4.ini file.
You could set the number of seconds to wait before attempting to update. The default is 30 but it may not be enough in some DSL systems. In this case, you can try increasing this e.g. to 60 (1 minute). That should be enough.
More details here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=2;action=display;threadid=1647
Did you use the Trial period (60 days) and now you’re using the Home version?
You can always try to register again, use the same email or another, copy & paste the registration number.
Into the firewall settings, you should check if the following programs should be allowed to connect: ashUpdSv.exe (avast! Update Service) avast.setup (avast! Update executable)
In fact, if you don’t have avast.setup to connect you have:
A firewall problem, bad configurated or, at least, is allowing everything to connect, a firewall hole or whatever.
You can’t update in this computer.
avast.setup is a temporary file that start (run) avast update. It’s necessary that it asks for an outbound connection when avast is being updated. Which firewall do you use?
Have no avast.setup file in my firewall, only the 3 I named, and they are allowed to connect.
After uninstalling, downloading and reinstalling an other instance, I entered a new registration number, for an other name. It seems to be working fine, no more red popup and I can update from anywhere in avast!
My firewall is McAfee.
Maybe misunderstood you about the avast.setup; where is it?
It’s a temporary file, it exists only while updating.
setup.ovr file is transformed into avast.setup file into the same folder (C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup).
I’m very, but very, surprised your McAfee firewall did not detect this! :o :o