2 new issues, sleeping, and gui glitch

i see 2 issues now, first my laptop is not sleeping now. it used to up until a few days ago and i tried everything i could think of. uninstalling avast beta resolves the issue after a reboot. reinstalling is fine for a while but ends up with this issue after some sleep cycles. still trying to pinpoint if there is some setting directly in avast causing it.

second now i have a gui glitch where it almost does a quick double open. it will start to open then re start to open but this time stay open. uninstalled and reinstalled but seems to still be there.

sleep problem was fixed in 2283

interesting because i just started seeing this issue. i did not have the issue prior to this (or at least i did not notice it) i will attempt a clean install again and see what happens.

Please can you provide output from these commands?

powercfg.exe /requests
powercfg.exe /lastwake
powercfg.exe /systemsleepdiagnostics

Execute these commands as elevated administrator please.

Hei, I had a similar issue with Dell Notebook Vostro.
The culprit was an Intel video graphics driver.