Hello… I was wondering: Would 2 resident anti-keyloggers conflict?
I am currently testing Zemana. Previously, I used Keyscrambler. Zemana seems to have a broader approach to anti-keylogging & seems to do some things Keyscrambler that doesn’t… (e.g. the anti-screenlogger & anti-webcamlogger features)
From what little knowledge I have, I’m inclined that doing so would not be a good idea… I’ve heard that
2 Resident Firewalls = PROBLEMS (Windows Firewall too???)
2 Resident Antivirus = PROBLEMS
2 Resident Anti-Spyware = POSSIBLE PROBLEMS
2 Resident Behavior Shields = ???
2 Resident Anti-Keyloggers = ???
In keeping with the list, I’d say it would possibly cause problems, but I am unsure (as I’ve never tried it or heard of anyone who has).
Your thoughts?