[2283] Can't install AOS to Firefox 50.1

I’ve enabled AOS component, but for some reason, it’s not adding it to Firefox. Anyone else experiencing this?

Presumably you have had it enabled on the last regular program version ?
As it is working on those on my Firefox 50.1 systems, I just wonder if this beta version has a signed AOS extension.

I’m not sure if I’m honest. Haven’t used AOS for a while, but decided to try it out in BETA. The fact it’s an external plugin is very annoying. Not only it doesn’t sync like all other addons I use, it’s also broken like this most of the time.

I went into settings, disabled AOS and then enabled it again.
That seemed to have done the trick:


rejzor i see an issue where it will at random times deactivate and i have to do what bob says disable it then re enable it then the next time i open firefox it seems to work again. i do run the firefox beta though not sure if that has anything to do with it. also running the newest avast beta on win 10 x64

No, I couldn’t “re-enable” it at all. It just wouldn’t integrate into my Firefox. I’m using PrivacyBadger, maybe that’s preventing it or something. Dunno.

Still can’t install it no matter what. I’ve even gone so far to entirely re-install Windows and Firefox. Result, browser safety extension refuses to install. And i can’t figure out why. I’ve also tried adding and removing it via Components panel and it just does NOTHING.

How a bout a clean install of FF without any extensions, then install AOS.
If that works, add your extensions one at a time ???

This is what I tried. Clean OS, clean browser, added extension and nothing happened. It just refuses to add it.

Very strange. For me it was installed but inactive.
Doing what I described in my previous reply fixed the problem. :o

So, this is related to Electrolysis (E10x)?