(3) PCs Shutdown this morning after Scan

OK…I am still on 8.0.1497 FREE…waiting for Avast 9 to be more mature before upgrading.
I have four PCs in the house all W7 64bit SP1…three DELL laptops, one HP laptop.
Up until now I had been running custom scans which included memory scan.
After reading posts about how memory scan can give false positives I decided to delete this scan on all machines and use FULL SCAN.
I schedule each PC for full scan at 5am…they finish within an hour.
I also have other backup routines to attached USB HDD in the night prior.
The Avast EMU runs at 9pm every day…and I was working on these machines past 9pm.
In the morning I check all the PCs for successful backups and scans.
The machines really have nothing on them…just Office 2010 and IE11…Windows Firewall.
All updates, all security, all run BMAM PRO too, with CryptoPrevent util installed.

This morning I woke up at 6:30am and saw three (2 DELL & 1 HP) machines were booted down.
I booted them up fine thinking some MS updates but none were done.
I checked the Event Log…no issue shown.
I then checked each machine on what had “run” the night prior and everything had…including the 5am FULL Scans.
I checked the one machine that was not booted down and it also had everything run.
I can only summize that Avast Full Scan was the last thing run and something/somehow shut down my PCs after.
so, I know the first question you may ask…“was the setting in the scheduler for Full Scan show ‘shut down after scan’ checked ?”.
I checked all three machines and this is unchecked.

Any ideas ?


avast 2014.9.0.2011 is mature.
You just must not update but perform a clean install.

  1. Download Avastclear, Rejzors uninstall tool and the appropriate Avast program edition

Note : You need to be ONLINE during the install (sometimes online installer works whereas offline doesn’t)


Avastclear : http://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avastclear.exe
Rejzors Uninstall tool: http://rejzor.wordpress.com/avast-cleanup-tool/

  1. Uninstall Avast by control panel [If you don’t have Avast in control Panel go to #4]
  2. Uninstall in safe mode using Avastclear.
  3. Run Rejzors Uninstall Utility in Normal Mode (removes traces avastclear doesn’t) - reboot.
  4. Install the version you downloaded.
  5. Reboot.

As far for the shutdown, have you checked the power saving settings on the systems?
Both in windows as well as in the bios?

Have to politely disagree…it is still BETA level software…WAY too many bugs…most concerning is all the BSODs.
I’m waiting until this gets more solid.

As far as BIOS and power settings nothing there…and nothing changed…only thing I did since months of running these PCs is changed to FULL Scan from a Custom Scan yesterday which first ran at 5am this morning…and looks like 3 of the 4 systems shutdown right after. Once I get a chance here I am going to do some experiments on running the FULL Scan and see what happens while I watch.
I’m also “checking” the shutdown option, save, then uncheck, save…on one machine to see if that takes…third machine I’ll leave alone and see if it repeats tomorrow morning.

Ok, keep us informed about the test results.

I have to politely disagree…there really aren’t that many bugs with this version.
What you see posted are the extremely minute number of users with issues.
The vast majority who don’t have issues rarely post.
Please keep in mind avast has over 200,000,000 users worldwide.

If you choose not to do as Eddy advised are you willing to attempt a repair?
Control Panel>Uninstall a Program>double click "avast"click “repair”>reboot

If you are unwilling to accept our advice/suggestions there is very little we can do to assist you.

::slight_smile: I’m an IT guy…IMHO not even close.
I’ve been reading the forums, written code for years and launched software packages myself.
V9/2014 is a new re-write…clearly and it has a lot of warts.
Deflecting to…“well 200,000,000 people can’t be wrong” is not a defense…not to the well versed.
Your guys are moderators and should know the better indication is the type and frequency of posts…it is telling.
I’ll upgrade at some point but waiting until things stabilize more.

This is good advice and will try that if my other tests don’t show anything.

…Again…advice is not “hey just dump the solid software that has worked for years and try our new version”.
Frankly I only posted to see if this is a known issue seen before or if I’m missing something in a config.
I’ll do some testing since I have 3 machines that exhibited same problem…and one not…hopefully correlate something and ID.

No, we are not moderators.
We are users of avast and are trying to help people on this webboard.

Type/frequency isn’t saying much since the gui (and some other things) have changed quiet a lot.
As a IT person, you should know that people don’t read the manual, are not spending time to learn about changes/new things…

I was writing my first applications in the year the internet was introduced.

True for sure…but too many BSODs after GUI update. Seems a lot centered around XP and a lot of folks have a lot of conflicting software. I used Avast in its most basic state and I’m on W7 64-bit SP1 on all machines…which I’m guessing avoids 90%+ of the “posted” BSODs. Also, after reading all the posts one thing is for sure…I’ll take the extra time to do a clean uninstall/install and not GUI…that seems worth the time.

…old man like me :slight_smile:

You guys do a great job…I am just going to wait for another crank or two of the program code.

…this post really is about a solid Avast 8. So, I did some tests and looked at Event logs. The 3 machines that booted down DID a clean shutdown…in other words no MinDumps…and the Event viewer shows that exactly after the Avast completion they shut down. Funny thing is I’ve run each of these “Full Scans” manually today with no problem…which I’ve done time to time in past. I don’t think it is “Avast” per say but something Avast was trying to do that the system burped on. Each of these PCs has a external USB flash drive for small file backups (MyDocs) via a script…one of the three a large USB 500GB HDD…which has same MyDocs and a full Macrium Reflect image to it each night. All those “backups” went fine since before Avast…even the MBAM Pro 4am scans went fine. So, very weird that exactly at completion they shutdown. So, tonight a re-created my custom scans and enabled on one of the PCs and unscheduled the Full Scan on it. The Custom scan is System Drive, AutoStart, RootKit (quickscan). The other PC I’ve left alone with Full Scan, the third I checked the “Shut Down on Completion” then back to it an unchecked…I did this because it behaves like this flag/bit is set.

Anyway, we’ll see and I’ll post.

OK…so woke up this morning and watched all three machines do the SCAN…now set at Custom.
I opened up the DETAILS view and at completion sure enough…
“Avast Has Just Completed & It Specifies in Settings To Shutdown”
I clicked out of that and went in to each of the settings…the box to “shutdown” is not clicked and on one of the machines I had toggled prior. So, now I am going to try the REPAIR, also think I have a saved config file from a month ago I’lltry to restore.

Question…can I use a config file from one machine to another ?
They are all identical O/S and the settings are all the same.

Yes the saved settings should work :slight_smile:

It did…thx !
This has been very odd. The one thing I did on the three machines that had the issue is I deleted the “Memory Scan” option in the SCAN options. Despite Repair Installs, checking and unchecking the “shutdown” option within the scan, etc…did not solve.
I restored the config to all three machines and works. This is only a “wild guess” but I’m thinking it has something to do with removing a item from the SCAN options. I only say this because someone may want to try on Avast 9 and see if there is a bug there too.
Specifically, what I mean is not the “memory scan” within a scan…the “Memory Scanner” itself in the main A/V Menu.

So, I am going to wait a code turn or two for Avast9…start with one machine.
Couple questions on clean uninstall/installs.

  1. Uninstall Avast by control panel [If you don’t have Avast in control Panel go to #4]
    {Is it best to do #2 or just start with #3 ?..I prefer to truly clean out}
  2. Uninstall in safe mode using Avastclear.
    {Do you boot info Safe mode then run on run within normal Windows and this reboots you into Safe to complete ? I ask because seen it described both ways}

For a clean install…

Download and save avast uninstall tool
Download and save your choice…
Run the uninstaller from above. You will directed to reboot into safe mode>click “yes”.
Reboot into normal mode.
Install choice from above.
Reboot and register and/or insert license.

Never seen a reboot go into Safe Mode automatically.
So, from normal Windows once you answer YES system will reboot into Safe Mode ?..no need to hit F8 ?
Also, this un-installer handles Avast8 ?..that is what I have now.

…once rebooted back to normal Windows I would run Rejzors Uninstall Utility before install obviously.

Thx !

Correct, no need to press F8

Also, this un-installer handles Avast8 ?


One last question on the clean un/re-install.

Will the EMU update in the startup and Task Scheduler be uninstalled during the uninstall process ?
If it remains in the task scheduler I assume I can delete manually ?
I ask because I assume Avast9 will install its own clean copies and assume those EMUs may be different.

Everything should be removed including the emergency update.