I have 3 viruses and I am cluless about how to fix them. I have ran ad-ware and it is telling me that I have classloader-7, Exploit-Byverify-11, and Trojano-447. Can any one help me to figure out how to get these out of my computer? Thanks
Which is your operational system?
Which are the full name and path of the infected file(s)?
I have Windows Xp and the names are
JS: classloader-7
Win32: trojano-477
Run a full avast! scanning and send the infections to Chest.
After that, you can run boot time scanner.
Start avast! > Right click the skin > Schedule a boot-time scanning
Select for scanning archives.
If an infection was detected I’ll say you to move the file to the infected folder.
Which ad-aware are you using?
Why don’t you send the files to Chest (Quarentine) of this application?
You post the name of the virus but not the file names and paths…
I am running Ad-ware SE. I am running this again because I honestly don’t know a whole lot about “paths” I will write down everything it says. I believe the path is c:Docume1\Rock\Locals
1\temp\aawtmp\c97090375\1. Now when these 3 come up it gives me an option to put them in the chest. And I do but I can run the Ad-ware again and it does the same thing over and over.
Ok the files seem to be temporary (look the \temp\ into the path).
Have you tried to delete the temporary Internet files?
To do this go to Internet explorer > Tools > Internet options > Delete files > Click delete all offline content (just to be sure) > click ok.
It might take some time to delete them.
Did you run a full avast! scanning?
After that, you can schedule a second, boot time scanning, with avast!
I ran a full scan by clicking on the skin. It put everything in to the chest but now I don’t know what to do? Any ideas?
I have emptied my temps but it always leaves “cachedsoap”.
I’ve cleaned all history and temps.
I still have those files left in my temp internet file plus the viruses in the chest.
So, maybe the infection is still there…
Can you boot in Safe Mode (repeatedly press F8 while booting, http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;315222) and there you may be able to manually delete them.
Thank you for all your help! I will try doing that tomorrow.
Hi helplessin,
From the viruses you apparently have, it can be deducted that your machine was not completely up to date to fall prey to these vulnerabilities. It would be a good check to see what kind of Java version, you have installed. Download the last version of Sun Java and delete the momentary version after that. Security is an ongoing effort, and should be a flexible, easy managable, ongoing routine. That means latest program versions, latest updates for security related programs, browsers and code.