Hello. Today I installed Avast Free 17.4.2294 on my Windows 10 Pro desktop with the Avast Online Installer. I downloaded the installer from the official Avast site. But after installing, Windows 10’s task manager is showing that Avast Antivirus and Avast Service is 32 bit. But my Windows 10 is 64 bit. Avast Behavior Shield looks fine. Now my question is, is Avast Antivirus and Avast Service 32 bit on both 32 bit and 64 bit platform? Or did the installer messed up? I tried reinstalling Avast several times.
avast (as almost any other application) is not entirely 64 bit and there is no need for it to run on a 64 bit OS.
Most of the times where it says 64 bit, they mean the application 64 bit is compatible and not that the application itself is 64 bit.
I meant that my OS is 64 bit but Avast is 32 bit. I want to know how to make it 64 bit. The online installer didn’t have any option to specify artithecture (Maybe it auto detects the OS platform). Or is Avast Antivirus and Avast Service 32 bit on both platforms?
If you want to make it 64 bit, you need to go work for avast as a programmer.
There is no need for a application to be 64 bit in order to work on a 64 bit platform, it just needs to be compatible (and avast is).
Ok thanks. That was my question (Is Avast Antivirus and Avast Service 32 bit on both platforms). Got the answer. Thanks.
When you install avast on a 64bit OS, it has 64bit (drivers) elements that will be installed as opposed to the 32bit drivers if installed on a 32bit OS.
What you are seeing in the 64bit OS is normal for how ‘it handles’ 32bit elements/functions.