33gb unknown unreadable files

I have been having problems with a number of malware programs and viruses. Most of my problems have been fixed but the last one i cant figure out.

I have a two partitions set up under XP, one with the installation and the second for storing files and stuff. On this second drive i just noticed that there is a strange file made up of a long name of unreadable characters: °µ≥â¢α.$42

it is full of folders with similar unrecognisable folders. they are all empty. there are also lots of system files, taking up a total of 33gb of space. about 5 are 3 g, with one 5gb and the rest various sizes below 1gb.

I was unable to delete or open any of these files and they were listed in Avast as “unable to scan: the file is offline or unavailable” and “the file volume label syntax is incorrect”
Any ideas on what sort of virus can create these sort of large files?

no problems are showing up under Avast virus scan, or on spyware search and destroy.

the files have strange modified dates, 2101 2012 etc and i have been able to modify the first folders name, but the folders and files it contains are all unreadable or undeletable.
the folder is at:

I read somewhere that the backup files for system restore were 33Gb and that there were similar signs with the unreadable characters when something went wrong with that, however it is turned off, so that doesn’t seem likely.

If i perform a full scan under avast these files keep showing up and so far i cant do anything with them…

I can only suggest:

  1. Use avast boot time scanning.
  2. Try to scandisk your disks (Right click the drive > Properties > Tools > …).

Sometimes, only using Unlocker (http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/) or KillBox (http://killbox.net/) or MoveOnBoot (http://www.snapfiles.com/get/moveonboot.html) or Delete FXP (http://www.jrtwine.com/) you can delete files that, for any reason, have a bad ‘signature’ in the Master File Table (MFT).