4.6 Home Conflict w/ NPF 2005

Hello, since my system automatically updated to version 4.6 Home, File Version 0508-4, Compilation Date 02-27-05, access to all Web Sites is to blocked when using IE6 (or Netscape) in conjunction with Norton Personal Firewall 2005 Version and Windows XP Service Pack 1. For a temporary fix, I disabled the Web Shield provider, but this does not seem optimal. Any other suggestions?
Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Grant the process ashWebSv.exe outbound access to the Internet on port 80.
The firewall should’ve asked you for this - but Norton and McAfee firewalls are known to sometimes fail to do so… :-\

Anyway, that should fix the problem.


Also update your system. You do not have all security patches/updates installed which make your system a lot more vulnarable to infections/hackers and such.

Thanks VLK. Originally I blocked ashWebSv.exe in NPF since that was the only way I could get Internet access. I created a custom rule in NPF that permits TCP and UDP communications on Port 80. So far, so good. Next I’m going to update to XP SP2. I’ll let you know if anything goes awry with that. 8)