4.6 Home edition

Hi, I’m new to computers and have installed your Avast home edition which seems to be working GREAT. Is it a firewall protection as well? It brings up notifications on the bottom right of attacks on my system. In short DO I NEED A FIREWALL AS WELL. If I do can anyone recommend one. Thanks.
Keystage :-\

No, it’s not. avast is just an antivirus (oh, the best one ;D).
There is a module that works like a light firewall, avoiding specific attacks.
But you need a full 3rd party firewall, like ZoneAlarm or Kerio.

Holy three of the protection are


As Tech recomended you can use:

[]Firewall: ZoneAlarm or Kerio (there are free versions)
]AntiVirus: Avast!, of course :))
[]Antispyware: AdAware, Spybot Search&Destroy or MicrosoftAntispyware (which are all free)
]You could add an Antitrojan (which is kind of AntiVirus subsection :slight_smile: ) scanner and remover Ewido or aSquared (also free)