my 4.8 boot scan takes over a hour to complete i am sure it needs to be tweaked in the settings but i don’t know how it should be set and i don’t want to screw anything up so if some one could help me i would appreciate it very much ? ???
The only thing you can “tweak” is enable/disable scanning of archive content.
You can also tweak what partitions, drives you want it to scan, by default I believe it will scan all local drives. For instance if you have a partition for media files, audio/video you could uncheck that. Archives are disabled by default so unless you enabled that nothing to tweak there.
You mention nothing about how much data is being scanned (as 1 hour does sound a lot based on your system spec.) ?
Jerry, are you sure you need to run boot time scannings? Why?
i thought that maybe you need to run it every week or so ? if i don’t need to run then i want run it anymore i wasn’t do it but about once a week ? ???
The purpose of the boot-time scan is to deal with any issue which the regular avast scan can’t deal with.
This is typically when a file is detected as infected and avast can’t move it to the chest because it is protected or in use, by scanning outside of windows it is unlikely to be either protected or in use so can be detected and moved to the chest.
If you get a virus in memory avast also suggests (offers it as an option) you do a boot-time scan.
If you suspect something out of the ordinary is going with your system, again try a boot-time scan, but it isn’t something you need to do on a regular basis. That is the preserve of the Simple User Interface on-demand scan where you can be a little more selective on what is scanned (area, with or without archives) and to what degree (sensitivity).
How long do regular on-demand scans take, assuming you do any ?
Jerry, did you follow David’s mind? I think he has explained the reason of the boot scanning.