This might have been just a coincidence of timing with the release of 4.8, but since it includes a few new features it certainly made me wonder.
By way of background, I typically open Process Explorer at least once a day, to kill the a-squared process after checking for updates or running a scan. Since I’ve got the free version, with no resident functions, I see no point in keeping the process open afterwards.
The first time I did this after the update to 4.8, I got a warning that Process Explorer was attempting to change the contents of several of avast’s EXEs. There’s been no recurrence since then, although I probably told Defense+ to block and remember answer.
??? ???
I never heard of PE doing that before, with any file except maybe its own.
Should I maybe try a repair on avast, just in case? Everything seems to be working fine, other than slightly slower scans now the same as others have experienced.