Yesterday I tried to access the Magic 105.4 playlist in Explorer and was alerted by Avast to a Malware threat. I started to run a boot time scan (BTS) and resorted to “delete all” after selecting “delete” about 10 times. BTS then deleted about 400 files before bombing out on an “unexpanded zip”.
I was pretty uncomfortable about the whole situation so booted to Vista and ran full scan. 2 hours later it had found a further 4800 High Risk threats. About 97% of these were HTML:Script-inf and most of the rest were HTML:Framer-inf [Trj]. I closed scan results without fixing - now very suspicious - and ran Malware Bytes full scan which found about 40 innocuous lokking adware tracking cookies which I fixed.
I then upgraded from the most recent version of 5 to the new 6 and ran another full scan , No Threat Found. Haven’t yet run boot time scan again but guess it will be ok.
It seems the false positive issue of 21st March also related to HTML:Script-inf.
To misquote Oscar Wilde “To issue One VPS with a false positive may be regarded as misfortune, to issue a second with the same false positive looks like carelessness!”