5000 High Risk items detected, Upgraded to 6, Now Clean!!!

Yesterday I tried to access the Magic 105.4 playlist in Explorer and was alerted by Avast to a Malware threat. I started to run a boot time scan (BTS) and resorted to “delete all” after selecting “delete” about 10 times. BTS then deleted about 400 files before bombing out on an “unexpanded zip”.

I was pretty uncomfortable about the whole situation so booted to Vista and ran full scan. 2 hours later it had found a further 4800 High Risk threats. About 97% of these were HTML:Script-inf and most of the rest were HTML:Framer-inf [Trj]. I closed scan results without fixing - now very suspicious - and ran Malware Bytes full scan which found about 40 innocuous lokking adware tracking cookies which I fixed.

I then upgraded from the most recent version of 5 to the new 6 and ran another full scan , No Threat Found. Haven’t yet run boot time scan again but guess it will be ok.

Anyone know what the hell was going on here?

Please read this blog from Vlk. There were some false positives yesterday. It was fixed with VPS 110411-2.


Thanks Charyb, think i’ve survived - but by a whisker. I imagine some people have been seriously compromised.

and ran Malware Bytes full scan which found about 40 innocuous lokking adware tracking cookies which I fixed.
Very strange......since MBAM does not scan for tracking cookies

Quite correct Pondus, I guess I meant Adware traces, but still innocuous looking!

It seems the false positive issue of 21st March also related to HTML:Script-inf.

To misquote Oscar Wilde “To issue One VPS with a false positive may be regarded as misfortune, to issue a second with the same false positive looks like carelessness!”