i got 6 viruses on my comp. one is Win:32 Trojan-gen. {VC}. Original location is C:/WINDOWS and the name is Belt.exe. two is Win:32 NcaseSpy [Trj]. Original location is also C:/WINDOWS and name is dcxelel.exe.tmp. three is another Win:32 Trojan-gen {VC}. Original location is c:\program files\clearsearch and the name is loader.exe. 4th is another Win:32 Trojan-gen {VC}. Original location is C:\Program Files\Common files\updmgr and the name is rvupdmgr.exe. 5th is another Win:32 Trojan-gen {VC}. Original location is again C:\Program Files\Common files\updmgr and the name is simgr.exe. 6th is another Win:32 Trojan-gen {VC}. Original location is c:\program files\common files\updater and the name is wupdater.exe… :o…i was told not to delete viruses because they will keep coming back but to repair them instead. so i tryed to repair them but it wouldn’t let me so i stuck them in the chest. there may be more but haven’t had time to do another check. does anyone know how i can get rid of these?
- Please use the board search above to find info on:
→ lots of tips there
e.g. use Onlinescanners for more specific identification of the variants, and try Spybot & Ad-Aware
- you can’t repair trojans, only delete them, because they contain only their malicious code (they do not normally INFECT existing files)
I had the same one in common files as you.Delete them -reboot with boot time scan and run avast again after the boot scan.I had to run it 3 times before it was gone.-max