64-bit fix beta - try it

Do you have a 64-bit machine with 64-bit L*nux distribution (and have You experienced some issues with Avast!)?

Then You are unlucky, because Your distribution lacks the 100% 32-bit ABI compatibility, but … but also lucky, because You might try these builds with workarounds:


NOTE: Please tell me whether this helped in Your case (and also specify what distribution/machine do You use).

NOTE: If You have some non-fixed engine installed, remove it first ( use rm -f /usr/lib/libavastengine*). Then, test this package.


PS: I’m not sure whether to distribute these fixed versions as standalone packages (because NOT all 64-bit distros are broken this way, and the original package will work there directly), or as an add-on patch (install normal package, then apply the patch).

From my point of view the patch is more correct, but users usually want and appreciate the complete package…

does this work any better than the package?
Fedora 10 64bit
It has taken the key, does auto update, crashed, and then deletes the stale lock on restart ???
endless loop…

in general, 32-bit packages should be good enough for 64bit machines,. those fixes are really fixes only - making it functional on half-cooked early 64bit distros. there’s no performance gain or something like this.


I’ve reinstalled the 32bit OS. The hang was in the GUI part of avast. The console/terminal worked just fine.

NOTE : please add the virus DB update command for the console/terminal to the man page. ;D

yes, someone actually used it … ::slight_smile:
