
I tried to pay traintickets with my creditcard and got the above message from Avast. I understand what it says - that the thread has been removed - but the problem is that I cannot go on with the payment, Avast keeps giving only the option to start using Avast-version that costs, now I user Avast Free Antivirus. Noting helps, the same happens whatever I do restert my computer/try the next day…)
Is there a solution to this (without having to start to pay for Avast)?

Did you download Avast Free from Avast or an official Avast re-seller?

Can you show a screenshot of the Avast warning pop-up, including the additional “Details” that you can display.

Are you booking tickets from an official website or one you searched, which may be poor reputation?

Avast Free will nag you to pay for extras, but no paid component should be needed to do what you want.

I loaded Avast Free ab 10 years ago, and it has worked perfectly until now.

I’m booking tickets as registered user from the official website of The Finnish Railwaycompany (vr.fi)

The Avast-message says: ‘Uhka estetty / Yhteys kohteeseen epayment.nets.eu on estetty, sen sisältämä tartunta oli URL:Blacklist’
‘Voimme suojata myös muilta uhilta, PÄIVITÄ SUOJAUKSESI’

Unfortunately most of those who try to help on the Forum are Avast users - so the unique ID number from the Avast Alert window is meaningless to us.
A screenshot of the Avast alert with the Details option enabled could help. see below.
The link that avast is alerting on could help us to investigate it in the forums, just the domain name that is in the Avast Alert, without the hxxps:// etc. before the domain so the suspect link isn’t active in the forums.

You don’t have to pay for avast to resolve it.

  • Attaching Images to your post - When you Click the Reply button it opens a text window for you to post your comment (reply or post).
    Click the Preview button, that shows what you have input and expands it to include ‘Attachments and other options’. Click that it further expands, here you can attach images, etc. at the bottom of your post.
    See my attached image, click to expand.

I have just tried to connect to vr.fi - and the site opened without issue, see second screenshot - so you can see we need more details.

Connecting to vr.fi is not the problem, but when I try to pay for the tickets I have chosen, AVAST starts to give the messages and does not let me do the payment.
I tried to attach the images here but they are too large - I have them now in my personal email, so maybe if you gave me some email-address I could send them to that -?

There isn’t a direct email for what you’re suggesting (e.g. to send images), the reason I suggested this is for those on the forums with relevant knowledge, they can check out the URL.

I have been able to generate an Alert on the domain epayment.nets.eu, see attached.

Only one detection here - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/2acfc6aed7895bf4018c705a101e26e50d2d689521756b6c26535da087809d63?nocache=1
Some security issues reported here - https://en.internet.nl/site/epayment.nets.eu/2803523/

There is a new link you can use - New location to report both a False Positive and or a False Negative - https://www.avast.com/submit-a-sample#pc
Your case would be reporting a possible False Positive for URL on the epayment.nets.eu URL.

Thank you for the link, I reported there a possible False Positive -case.

You’re welcome.