7.0.1426 and outlook

Well the upgrade to 7.x.x killed outlook. I did not have problems before and now i either get a timeout or some ssl error. I find it interesting that I needed to disable the firewall to recieve the activation email of the newly created account. So what gives. I have opened up the application rules to allow the traffice but still a no go. For outlook to work i must either disable the firewall of go back to version 5 which does not have a problem.

try deleting all avast rules in firewall and reboot, then let new rules be created

Hmmm… Any other security program that could be interfering? A web filter, old firewall or antivirus?

No other security software installed. I tried deleting the rules for Outlook and creating them manually. No joy. Still the same issue. I went back v5.0.1426 and no problems. Outlook works fine.

Hello impòostazioni checks in the mail that under ssl ACCOUNT CODE is set to NO

SSL is unchecked.


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