72 + hour scan times, every time

Win 7 HP x64
Avast Internet Security 17.4.229 build 3482

Like many people, since upgrading to the most recent version, I was receiving the scan cancelled at 99% error. I made the mistake of not checking here first, to find it was just a GUI error, and would be quickly fixed. My bad.

Assuming something else was going on, I chose to uninstall and reinstall the program.

I have 20 TB of storage or so, so, it was not surprising that the initial scan after re-install took about 72 hours. My problem now is, EVERY full system scan, which I have scheduled for 2am every morning, is taking the same amount of time. This was not the case before the re-install. There must be a setting that I chose incorrectly, in the re-install, that advised the program, after initial scan, to only scan altered files, not files that have not changed since last clean scan. Typically, before the re-install, a full scan took a little over an hour.

I thought it might have been the option to store data about scanned files in the persistent cache, so I unchecked that box, but last nights scan was still only 5% or so done, by the time I woke up.

Any other thoughts as to what the issue might be? The product is fairly useless to me if it takes 3 plus days to do a full scan, every single time.

I attempted a ticket with primary support for paid products (ticket 829265), but the response did not address the issue.

Thank you, any and all, for your time and assistance!

The product is fairly useless to me if it takes 3 plus days to do a full scan, every single time.
It is also no need to run a full scan evry day. All antivirus programs have realtime protection, meaning[b] evrything[/b] that goes on in your computer when on is scanned/monitored as it happens

I am aware that live monitoring is an essential part of any anti-virus. But, virus definitions can update at any time, multiple times throughout the day and night, and a threat that may have snuck in, prior to being widely recognized. Having a daily scan is simply a matter of piece of mind for me. I do appreciate you taking the time to reply.

Are you scanning inside of archives? ZIP/RAR/7zip and such. That can eat up time fast.

Also, if you’re doing other disk intensive things during the scan, like backups/syncing, scan times can be much longer.

with only minor exceptions (such as possibly system files) I do not store anything packed/compressed on the computer. If I download something that is packed, I typically unpack it and discard the compressed files. Thanks for the reply and thoughts!

There really is no need at all to run a full scan every day.
Disabling the “persistent cache” option sure will slow down things.

It doesn’t matter how much storage you have, but how many data has to be scanned, and yes the more data the longer it will take.

As avast is a real time scanner newly added detections (e.g. updates to the VPS) will detect things in files that previously where not detected when you access them (if you have scan all files enabled in the real time protection modules).

If you still want to run a full scan, make sure every application is closed, all services that are not really needed are shut down etc and don’t use the system while scanning.
If it still takes too much time for you, get a faster system.

My complaint (or, concern really) is not with the speed of the scan itself, it’s what’s changed since I re-installed. This was not an issue before I uninstalled and re-installed Avast. After the initial scan, scans on the same computer, with generally the same content, took in the hour to hour and a half range, now that same scan is taking 72+ hours. . .so the issue is not with the speed of my computer (which is a 6 core i7 @3.47 GHZ w/ 16 GB of ram), or the files on it.

Something has changed, and I have little doubt it IS something I did, I just need that assistance narrowing down the culprit.

Thanks again to everyone who takes the time to read and offer suggestions.

  • Other security related software installed…?
  • Which AV(s) did you use before Avast…?

Don’t know what avast version you had installed, but things have changed.
Detection has been improved, new detection methods are in place etc.

And yes (at least part of the culprit) is because of what you did/do.

Win 7 HP x64
Avast Internet Security 17.4.229 build 3482

I also have malwarebytes pro installed (which, also, was installed prior to the Avast re-install and this issue).

I’ve used Avast for a few years now, prior Avira, though since my last clean OS install, only Avast (and mbe) have ever been installed.

When I did the re-install, I did use the Avast Clear tool (in safe mode) to fully uninstall before re-installing.

Regarding Avast & MBAM, see: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/200324-exclusions-for-avast-users/

I have added mutual exclusions for both Avast and MalwareBytes. Thanks for the tips, fingers crossed!

You’re welcome.

When you run the Avast scan, does task manager show any other programs using CPU and Disk time? Maybe uninstalling Avast enabled Defender or something, and now they are fighting.

Avast has options to configure the scans (top right gear icon above the scan). For the full scan, do you have enabled the ‘scan all files’ option? And then below that: content or name extention.

Also: what scan areas are included? Maybe you customized that previously and they are now reset to default.

I have verified that Defender is disabled (good thought!).

I have changed scan all files option to “name” from content, we’ll see what effect that has.

I have, and have always had, all hard discs, root kits, and programs in memory selected.

The scan is set to run while I sleep, and I typically close everything during that time, with the exception of “always on” programs like system programs, malwarebytes, dropbox and mediamonkey.

But you did/do have the ‘scan all files’ checkbox ticked? Because I haven’t in my full scan and that is the default setting as far as I know.

I have it set to ‘content’, but since the checkbox above is not ticked that shouldn’t matter because it shouldn’t scan all files at all, regardless of choosing content or name.

Ah, I get your question, thank you. Yes, I do have “scan all files” checked, if that is not default, then, that may very well where I’ve gone wrong. Thanks, one more thing to try, I will uncheck that!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give up! Still having the same issue regardless. As I finally have a two day weekend this weekend, I’m just going to fully uninstall, and re-install, adjusting each setting on a one-a-day basis. Thank you to everyone who has offered suggestions, I do greatly appreciate your time.