8.0.1489 Upgrade Hoses my PRINTERS???

Imagine my surprise…this morning I printed, but later installed the upgrade for Avast! When I went to print again, my printers had “vanished” from Windows! I tried adding a printer…tried reinstalling drivers…finally had to do a System Restore back to 5/21. That was successful…my printers were back, and I printed a few pages before noticing that Avast! wanted me to update again. I clicked to upgrade…upgraded and rebooted, and my printers were gone again! :frowning: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I love Avast! and don’t want to lose it…but if it’s between you guys and printing…well, printing wins!

Can anyone help?

Windows 7 64-bit.


How exactly does it hose it Melissa?