8 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About KOOBFACE


You’ve probably read or heard about KOOBFACE malware propagating through social network sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. A lot of analysis is available online through blogs or malware descriptions. But I bet most of you probably still don’t know some or all of these things about KOOBFACE…



did you know?

No, I did not know.

Thanks for the link, nmb. :slight_smile:

welcome, charley.

[b]Koobface wrecks Search results[/b]

One question that people often ask when we describe how millions of computers are infected with malware is “Why would anyone do that?” The answer of course is: MONEY.


[b]Crimeware friendly ISP's: NetDirekt[/b]

NetDirekt have a well known and well publicized reputation as far as criminal activities go, due to their long standing housing of the well known Internet Service Team (commonly referred to as the IST).

The IST, amongst others, are just some of the folks behind the Google, Bing and Yahoo etc etc, blackhat SEO campaigns, that lead unsuspecting folks to fake malware and more recently, the likes of the Koobface exploit.
