I have logged on and I’m trying to remove the phones I no longer use from my account, but every time I try I get an error 305, referring to Anti-Theft. How do I get past this? I also wanted to remove the phone I’m currently using to re-add it, because my.avast (and Avast programme on the computer of course) insists that my phone is unprotected even though I have both Mobile Security, Backup and Anti-theft installed and working. I know this last question is somewhat off topic but I thought it better to just create one thread rather than two. Does anybody know how to fix it, that my phone is listed as unprotected even though everything is running? Thanks in advance!
Seriously - over 160 views and nobody has anything to say, not even a mod? I can see why some people choose AVG. I think I will.
Mostly those views will be the curious as the title isn’t detailed. Then they find the problem isn’t something that they have experienced or seen in the forums. I certainly haven’t experienced it as an avast user, the Moderators are avast employees with other tasks also…
I will try to attract some attention to it.
I didn’t want to elaborate too much in the title since I didn’t know how many characters could be used in it. It would be very kind of you to do that, I’m at my wits’ end with these issues. Thank you for replying!
Several users reporting the same problem lately in the Anti-Theft forum:
Thanks so much, that part of the problem now seems to be gone but I have no idea how to turn on the real time shields (I feel I have looked everywhere in the Mobile Security app) so the site/Avast on Windows still says it’s unsecured. I will look for the answer in the forums or post a thread where it’s supposed to be. Thank you!
Stop the press, I got the issue resolved by delving deep into the forums. Online communities kick butt. Thanks so much to those who took the time to respond!
We had some issues with one of our AT services. It should be fixed now. Are you still getting the 305 message?
No, it seems to be fixed. After I tried a gazillion times on the same day (at different times) I gave up and posted the thread. When I read the response earlier about several others experiencing the same thing I tried again yesterday and then it worked. So, no 305 error message anymore.
Good to hear. We are working hard to minimize the downtime of our services. But we will try to come up with more descriptive messages for selected services down time, so you will immediately know what is going on and that it might be just a temporary problem.
We would like to eliminate the downtime completely but with the level complexity of our services and their dependency on 3rd party services (such as google), it is a very lengthy process.