I am trying Avast for the first time and just have a few quick questions:
I planted a virus as a test and Avast worked great, but notice this issue: Avast stops completely upon finding a virus and can not continue w/o user interaction. Can this behavior be changed? ie. I want to do manual thorough scan (a couple hours at least…) overnight, so I don’t Avast to stop if it finds anything. I want to configure it to always move to the chest. Is this possible?
How can you change the scan type (quick, standard, thorough) from within the Enhanced User Interface? As far as I can tell, this option can only be set from the simple interface.
Can the splash screen be disabled?
Shouldn’t the app remember the last scan type b/t manual sessions? ie. do I really need to select Local Hard Drives (simple interface) or the Scan: Local Disks