A few questions for a new Avast user (:

I am new to AVAST and MAC.
I deleted my mail application since I didn’t need it. And now when I run my avast it is asking where mail is. How do I make it stop that? I keep having to click ok and continue before anything will work.
What does err 13 mean? My computer says this when I run a scan, and my friends computer also says this.

Like I said, I’m totally new at all of this, and any help would be great! Thanks!

Disable Mail Scanning from preferences and you shouldn’t be asked for mail.

Err 13 is a Permission error. Basically avast did not have access to the file to scan it. its normal for system files and other users files.

oh ok! that makes a lot more sense! thank you!

is there a way to fix my problem with the mail?

if you disable avast’s email scanning it should not ask for mails location anymore. In the preferences window remove the check next to Mail support


i am also a new avast and mac user…after several times of scanning, i saw that there were several virus registered…however, i dont have any idea of how to clean the said virus. there was no name for the virus either…is it possible that it just cannot read some of the windows xp files since i have installed xp as well? thank you very much…

How do you have Windows XP Installed? BootCamp or virtualization software (Parallels Desktop, VMWare)?

Also note that Mac OS X can only Read NTFS drives, not write to them, so if avast finds a virus on a windows NTFS drive it will not be able to remove it. In which case you can install avast under windows to remove the virus.