Just reinstalled avast! Mobile Security due to a replacement phone.
The instructions say that I will get to name the launcher for avast! Anti-Theft. But it did not give me this option - it was already named.
I looked all thru the User Manual, but saw no explanation of what the “Recovery phone number” is for/what it means?
I checked the “Enable Anti-Theft” in the “Basic Settings”.
I get a message saying “…switched to stealth mode at the next device restart…
Start it then by CALLING your avast! PIN.”
This to me implies that I will not be able to access the settings without calling the avast! PIN.
But actually I can still access all of the settings simply by inputting my PIN into the avast! Mobile Security app.
After I do that, “Anti-Theft” is still available as one of the options, and touching it gets me into it as normal - i.e., as before “stealth mode” was initiated.
So why does it say I have to call the PIN to get into it?
Or does it just mean to activate it’s features if lost/stolen I have to call it?
Thank you.
Hi Bosco123456,
You will get the option to name your Anti-Theft installation when you choose Advanced installation mode. In Basic mode, it’s just named avast! Anti-Theft.
Recovery phone number is useful for recovering of your forgotten PIN. When you forget it, you can activate the Recovery from the password dialog. It’ll send you an sms with a temporary PIN to the previously set recovery phone number.
When you enable Anti-Theft, the app gets hidden from the launcher. Please note, that Anti-Theft (AT) and Mobile Security (AMS) are separate apps, so only AT will be hidden.
You’re right about that you can still access AT through AMS, but that holds only when AMS is installed. If you want to really hide your AT, you can safely uninstall AMS and AT will stay on the phone, hidden. Then it’s accessible only via calling your PIN. When AMS is installed, you can think of calling the PIN as of a shortcut to get to AT.
Hope that clarifies it a bit.
Ondrej Cermak - “1) You will get the option to name your Anti-Theft installation when you choose Advanced installation mode. In Basic mode, it’s just named avast! Anti-Theft.”
I thought the Anti-Theft installation using the Basic install mode is named “Update Agent”.
That’s not yours?
It’s in my “Applications”/“Downloaded”, and I was sure it was part of your installation package.
I just unchecked the “Enable Anti-Theft”.
In “Applications”/“Downloaded”, I do not see “avast! Ant-Theft” listed. I only see “avast! Mobile Security” listed.
Likewise in “All Aps”, which is what I believe you call the “launcher”, I only see “avast! Mobile Security” listed.
So I don’t understand “When you enable Anti-Theft, the app gets hidden from the launcher.”
I don’t see it unhidden when Anti-Theft is disabled.
My phone is an HTC EVO 4G android with Sprint as the carrier.
Sorry for the wrong information, the name is randomly chosen in basic install, so I can’t really tell you what it is. But “Update Agent” is indeed one of the possible choices.
The part that anti-theft, or “Update Agent” in your case, should be hidden from the launcher (the list of icons where you actually launch the apps), is correct. If you disable anti-theft, the “Update Agent” app should be visible there. If you enable it, it should disappear.
Can you confirm, while looking for “Update Agent”, that this does not work?