a few silly questions...

How do I alter the time that shows for my timezone?
How do I show where I am on the map?
And most importantly…How do I upload a cool image or picture to represent my self !

Oh I would like to say here how much I appreciate the people involved in Avast!.
And the Avast! forum is The best forumcommunity I have have ever had the privilidge to be a part of.

p.s. while i was modifying this message this windows alert came up http://img14.imageshack.us/my.php?image=winalert.jpg

I think you need more posts to be able to set those in your profile and I think the number is 50.

Oh I would like to say here how much I appreciate the people involved in Avast!. And the Avast! forum is The best forumcommunity I have have ever had the privilidge to be a part of.
This is a good place to be.
p.s. while i was modifying this message this windows alert came up http://img14.imageshack.us/my.php?image=winalert.jpg
Are you using P2P file sharing?

Perils of P2P:

I believe (unless it has changed recently) the posting level required is 20 not 50.

Still 20 posts - See this post for general information on why, http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=41468.msg348054#msg348054

Hmm… Then only 16 more for me then! :slight_smile:

14 now ;D


I had a feeling somebody would do that.

Or more ;D

Ohhh I see what you did there. :smiley:

Speaking of which, where do I make a topic saying I’m here and get all the hellos out of the way?

There is no such convention, but I guess that you already have now, in the General forum ;D

Oh Okay.

2 more!

ah…so its true…there are no stupid questions ! thank you.

1 More. ;D

Not any more ;D

I just wanted to say ditto to the best forum stuff or something like that.
I have never been privileged to be a part of a more caring community of people than here at AVAST Forums.
Thanks to every one who has help me in the past and who will in the future.

You’re always welcome, iddawg717.