How do I alter the time that shows for my timezone?
How do I show where I am on the map?
And most importantly…How do I upload a cool image or picture to represent my self !
Oh I would like to say here how much I appreciate the people involved in Avast!.
And the Avast! forum is The best forumcommunity I have have ever had the privilidge to be a part of.
I think you need more posts to be able to set those in your profile and I think the number is 50.
Oh I would like to say here how much I appreciate the people involved in Avast!.
And the Avast! forum is The best forumcommunity I have have ever had the privilidge to be a part of.
This is a good place to be.
p.s. while i was modifying this message this windows alert came up
I just wanted to say ditto to the best forum stuff or something like that.
I have never been privileged to be a part of a more caring community of people than here at AVAST Forums.
Thanks to every one who has help me in the past and who will in the future.