My computer has a few trojan horses.
I can’t seem to find the root of the problem. I can detect the trojan (suspect 3 & 4) with Avast, and deleted it.
After I reboot my computer, the trojan will log on to the net automatically (usually I log on manually) and create the virus files again.
Also after it logs on, it will open IE (the bane of all evil) and load the website as below (suspect 2) and register another virus attack.
Anyone know where to look for the root of the problem?
I know reformat can solve all problems and bring tranquility.
Gonna reformat soon, but not now.
Here are the files in question. Anyone seen them before?
suspect 1 -
suspect 2 -
suspect 3 -
Win32:Trojano-1098 [Trj]
suspect 4 -
Win32:StartPage-095 [Trj]
suspect 5 -
Win32:Trojan-gen. {Other}
please send a hijack this report,
hijack this can be obtained at
Download the anti-spyware [Edit: this should read ‘Trojan’ of course] program TDS-3 I mention in this link:
It sometimes finds Trojans anti-virus programs miss.
You could also try TrojanHunter:
Both programs have a free trial so are good to use if you are cleaning a computer. (And I’m sure they’re good value to buy as well.)
You should also run all the programs DavidR mentions in the link above.
You need to have a firewall running when you connect to the internet. If you’re not using one, that’s a priority next time you connect. Turn on XP firewall at least.
FreewheelinFrank , just little note , TDS-3 is not anti-spyware program … it’s anti-trojan program (abbrev mean Trojan Defence Suite) …
For an on-line scan of your Hijackthis log file try here
Ignore any 023 reference to avast processes, this is a hiccup in the HJT 1.99.1 (especially missing file entry for avast), if you need any help with any of the analysis let us know.
Apologies- I meant to type anti-Trojan, of course!
That’s why I posted it in a thread called ‘A few Trojans on my computer.’
DavidR’s programs include some anti-spyware programs, which I was probably thinking of- spyware does use Trojans to download itself or other spyware.