A little help for fixing the ROM-0 vulnerability from my router.

Hello everyone.
I don’t know where I should post this question (since this is a board for virus and worms), but I will still post here.
After using the Avast! Network Scanner in my router, I got that my router have the ROM-0 vulnerability.
Avast! told me to fix it by upgrading the firmware (already done), but it still have the vulnerability.
It told me to forward the port 80 to some unused port.

Ok, I could try it, but my router comes with Port triggering, and I don’t know how to use it (there’s no Port Fowarding).

I posted this question here, but seems nobody knows the answer: http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/106288/how-to-protect-from-rom-0-via-port-triggering

Any other ideas?
Thank you guys for helping me.

What does this say http://rom-0.cz/index/

Just tested it now, and it said:

Address is probably not vulnerable

That “probably” doesn’t make it really good, so what should I do?

That "probably" doesn't make it really good, so what should I do?
Contact your router maker

Before doing that, what replies that website shows? (like “vulnerable” or “not vulnerable”)
Is “Address is probably not vulnerable” is good enough? Or should I really contact the router maker?