Hi! I just uninstalled a PC game (No One Lives Forever) and I managed to delete all the files with the original uninstaller, there is just one left that was created at the time of game’s installation - “c:\windows\uninst.exe”. Should I delete this file manually or is it possible that this file is needed for some others applications uninstallation too? Thank you!
Malware typicaly likes to install things in C:\Windows or its sub folders so I would have Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (MBAM) check it.
So get MBAM then update it then run a Quick scan and let it remove all it finds:
Post its log here after it completes.
How do you know that is the games uninstaller file ?
It seems to be in a very strange location (as YoKenny also mentions), I would have expected it to be in the programs folder (and also removed on the uninstall, probably on reboot) or in a temp folder, but not in the windows folder.
When I installed the game I checked out which new files were created at it’s installation. This was one of them. It’s an old uninstaller (1996 I think) for an old game. It’s clean - I checked it with Avast, SAS, MBAM and VirusTotal (0/41).
I just want to know if it’s safe to delete it or if it’s maybe needed for some other software’s uninstallation.
I’m always loath to delete anything without having fully investigated the file, given that VT produces a clean bill of health and if it was for an old game, then it might well have dumped it in the windows folder.
Now I would say if possible try to confirm its association with the game, right click on it and select properties; is there any information indicating its association with the game, if so yes deletion is fine.
If not upload to http://anubis.iseclab.org/?action=home, where it will produce a list of things that this binary file does. If you see it is deleting the games registry keys, files, etc. then again yes, deletion is fine.
There’s no such information in the file’s properties, so I uploaded it to that Anubis site (what a great site!). Now I’m waiting for the results.
Thank you for help DavidR!
Edit: here are the results, please comment: http://anubis.iseclab.org/?action=result&task_id=148697190ec6fd12411b02d7975c2e3b0&format=html
Yes it is a very useful site, more to check out unknown executable files for malicious intent. Unfortunately there isn’t anything concrete, e.g. reference to any specific program.
If the Files properties give a creation date that is correspondingly old then I would say it is a safe bet to delete, however it would be safer to rename the file to say uninstOLD.exe. That way if something tries to use it (uninst.exe) then windows would report a missing file.
You could also do a registry search for the file name and see if that brings up anything.
I think it’s safe to delete it, but I will ZIP it and move it. If any application or Windows will ask for it, I’ll recover it back in it’s place. Thank you for all the help.
As I said deletion is an option of last resort and then only after full investigation. Just do a google search on the file name and you will see other applications use this file, which is why I suggested renaming it.