A little weird, IE settings and active-x

So, I put security to high on the internet zone. Then to low on Trusted Zone. Still, after adding sites as youtube, adobe, avast etc to the trusted zone it still refused active X and no players where shown on youtube etc.
I had to lower the bar on internet zone lower to be able to view videos and install/use active-x even tho I added those sites to trusted zone :stuck_out_tongue:

I been tweaking some settings, what on earth have I broken or is it supposed to be like this? ???

This might help, although I don’t think the problem has anything to do with ActiveX, as Youtube works quite happily in Firefox without ActiveX*.


*EDIT: http://forum.osnn.net/showthread.php?p=761687 Hint hint. :wink:

Thanks, but everything works fine…somewhat :stuck_out_tongue:

The thing is with the permissions, for example: I couldn’t download the adobe flash thing with high security-settings even if adobe.com (written as that with require server authent, disabled) was added in my trusted zone.
On low security setting (in internet zone) it works. (tho I custom-enabled file download, active-x prompts, play video wo ext. player etc)

I just can’t belive it’s supposed to be like that, must be something I broke? Or is it?

I hate when I’m obliged to use Active-X… there are safer ways to get the same results…