A newbie here to find help with empolyee monitoring software

I’m a newbie here.I have a troublesome and need friends to give me suggestion
The owner of the company where I work has installed msn spy software on his PC. If the PC that I use was his that would be fine, but I provide my own PC and do not feel in that case he has a right to see it. Is there a way to block him from this?

I don’t understand.
He has installed it on his PC, but you use your own…what is the problem?

Is yours networked though his server while you are at work?

I understand shally’s situation this way. The company’s owner has Spytech Realtime Remote Spy on his computer; this software allows remote installation of the monitoring software and access to the activity logs of another computers. The employer wants to remotely monitor the activity of his employee. Our topic-starter would have nothing against such remote monitoring of his/her activity if he (or she) had worked on a company’s computer, but he (or she) is using his/her own private computer. The topic-starter asks how he/she can protect his/her own computer from being spying by the employer’s Spytech Realtime Remote Spy.

George, that’s sort of how I understand it also.
However, the computer user still has to allow the installation of the software. He must have authorised it.

As I have noticed this software, Spytech Realtime Remote Spy, allows remote installation of the monitoring software - the employer can try to install his “spy” through internet connection secretly and without any permission.

Yes, as can any spyware be installed remotely, but the computer user/owner would still need to allow the remote connection.
This sort of legitimate software doesn’t have any more tricks than illegitimate spyware to hack its way into a computer. Someone has OK’d it’s being installed, either tacitly or openly.

We would also need to know the company policy regarding the use of computers at work
and what restrictions apply.

Hi bob3160,

A strict policy can have drawbacks. Employees may seek other ways out of the Intranet, and that can even make the overall security situation for the company worse (unintentional data leaks, compromises). The best policy is when the boss treats his/her workers to a Lunch Internet Happy Hour, the workers are all happy and in working hours they’ll do their job,


Try ActyMac DutyWatch Remote. It is a software for monitoring and also it has remote access.

Hemera, ты хоть понимаешь о чём просит топикстартер? Он просит защиты от удалённого мониторинга, а ты предлагаешь ему … использовать другую утилиту для удалённого мониторинга, да ещё для Макинтоша!


Hemera, did you understand the topic-starter’s question? He (or she) asked how to protect his/her PC from remote spying and you suggest… to install another spying software for Macs!

So,everybody,how to block or remove it?

So,,everybody,how to block or remove it?

Well, we would need some answers, first.

Read here: http://www.emsisoft.de/en/malware/Adware.Win32.MSN_Spy_Monitor-remove.aspx
You can download free a-squared here: http://www.emsisoft.com/en/software/free/