It does not! Since we’ve tinkered around, it hasn’t come back yet, either. I’m watching my event logger very carefully, though. I find it kinda weird that it keeps poking my DNS whenever it comes around.
I have seen this issue on 2 computers the last day and it also happened to my friend. The common link between all 3 computers was that they were all running Skype. After some Googling today, I found these Skype blog posts.
Thanks for reporting this back to base. Malcode very much undefined as yet, reported here:
Seems that avast! Webshield is now blocking this malcode as JS:ScriptPE-inf[Trj] in in Chrome Browser/AppData - as it blocking access to this report: htxp:// (probably showing off too much of the real code to avoid a live shield alert - but good enough for us checking detection here).
What troubles me is that supposedly the site didn’t actually have an internal 500 error and was using that as a sort of facade while it did evil stuff in the background?
I wonder if my system is compromised at all, considering things are coming back totally clean?
I was reading that the 500 error was actually a part of the ruse of the site, and wasn’t actually shut down. Someone was poking around in the webpage data to come to such a conclusion.
Hmm, that fix on redit worked for me. Did it to 2 computers, no ads are showing up. You have to use the information from both commentor links in that post. First link is instructions, second link has a list of all possible ad services.