A problem with AVAST 2014 and version 9.0.2008

Hello to everybody! I installed Avast 2014, version 9.0.2008, but after installing it, the program can’t be start up. A sceenshot of the error message is attached.
Please for help!!!

P.S. Sorry for my Enlish

Why is this site for - HELP or just VIEWING!!! >:( 133 VIEWS and O Reply. It’s ridiculous!!!

help … from other users like you… and if they have no soulution they will not reply
you need some patient… did you try forum search, somone probably had the same problem before you. ::slight_smile:

what AV did you use before installing avast?
did you uninstall it before installing avast?

No one suggested me a solution, so I used avastclear.exe and unistall AV completely. That was my solution after hours of searching for the problem.

You’re complaining at an user forum. If you want Avast employee’s their help you’re better of opening a support ticket.