A question about SecureLine VPN


I have used Avast for a few years now and I like the service but I haven’t tried their VPN. Right now I’m using Surfshark on my iPhone for browsing on public wi-fi or using my own mobile data, it blocks ads so less ads=less data used. Does SecureLine VPN provide ad blocking? Also, on my VPN I experience 10-20% speed drop depending on the server location I choose, what speed drop can I expect from SecureLine? Thx!

As you already are aware, speed drop depends on server location and use at certain times.
There will always be ‘some’ drop in exchange for security and privacy!

Googled: https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=_yyiXLDGEpTe-gTfgpuwCA&q=Avast+Secureline+features&btnK=Google+Search&oq=Avast+Secureline+features&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30l2.1810.11725..12679...5.0..0.168.2623.24j6......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131j0j0i10j0i22i10i30.Cqzvx09L-Y8

Thank you, I understand that speed drop is the “price to pay” for browsing through VPNs servers, and it’s fine with me as long as it is not above 30%. I’m more interested in the ads blocking part, does SecureLine provide adBlocking? I can see Avast provides adBlock on its browser, but I’m interested in their VPN features.

SecureLine is a VPN. A VPN is a tunnel for your connection to keep information encrypted and hide your location.
It isn’t an adblocker. More information: https://www.avast.com/en-us/secureline-vpn#pc

I understand that, just the VPN that I’m using has an inbuilt adBlock feature, I wanted to know if SecureLine VPN has a similar feature to Surfsharks. I’ll check the free trial that you provided in the link, thank you.