I had been trying to re-register my Avast Free for about a week with no success. I searched the forum last night, but couldn’t find any solution that seemed to match up with my problem. So, in desperation, I called iYogi.
She took control of my computer. I’ve been through this with my ISP and with the IT gurus where I work so I wasn’t concerned yet. She showed me a bunch of services that were stopped (all of which I had stopped myself because I didn’t need them loading at startup) and a few items in the virus chest (all of which came up clean after rescan; I think I saw something in the forum about some bad definitions causing false positives not too long ago) and proceeded to tell me that my whole computer was badly infected and that all I needed to do was to cough up $169.99 immediately so that she could fix the problem in under 15 minutes.
I refused, and she got very upset…wanting to know why I wouldn’t pay to have the problem fixed right away and telling me how much more it would cost me to have someone local look at the problem.
I searched the forum again and read a little deeper into a few threads and found a comment that someone had posted about having an issue with a setting on his firewall stopping his re-registration. A quick check and change to my firewall and my re-registration was complete. Thanks for the fix RnfromTN!!!
Everyone can draw their own conclusions from this, but the only conclusion I come up with is that she had no concern for helping me get a problem resolved……her only concern was for the money.