"A scheduled scan has been skipped"/"Launch time missed"

(I posted this earlier on the general Avast security forum, and someone [Asyn] suggested posting it here, on the Mac-specific forum.)

My computer, an iMac running MacOS 10.14.5, is configured to run a Scheduled Scan with Avast Security (13.12) every Sunday morning at 01:00. But AFAICT the scan never runs. Instead, later on Sunday mornings when I wake up, I’m greeted by a pop-up notification message saying, “A scheduled scan has been skipped” and “Launch time missed.”

This probably has something to do with the computer’s Preferences settings. The Energy Saver is set to put the display to sleep at about 12 minutes of non-use and the computer to sleep after 15 minutes. The screen saver is set to start after 10 minutes of inactivity. The Scheduled Scan is set to “Wake up the system to start scan (if in sleep mode),” but apparently this is having no effect.

Any suggestions on how to get this to work?

the message you are talking about is displayed when Avast was not able to start a scheduled scan. Scheduled scan needs to be started within cca. minute around the time it has been scheduled for. If for some reason it fails to start (eg. your computer was sleeping at that time…), we display this message.
Kind regards,
Ondrej Kolacek

Hi ondrej.kolacek!

Your reply has me a little confused. In settings, I have checked “Wake up the system to start scan (if in sleep mode)” I assumed this meant that if my computer (2018 Mac mini) was sleeping, Avast would wake my computer so it could execute my scheduled scan. But, that is not happening. It is skipping the scheduled scans because, I assume, it is not waking my computer from sleep as I have requested. It this functionality broken? Am I misunderstanding what this setting does (Wake computer if sleeping).

Thanks for any help you can offer here.

Regards, Mr. Luigi

first, the checkbox has effect on next scheduled scan, it does not apply retroactively when you select it in settings. Please ensure that it has been selected when scheduling the scan.
Second, if a scan which wants wakeup is scheduled, Avast should wake up the computer from the suspension state one minute ahead of the expected start of scan, and start the scan on time. We have verified that this indeed happens on Mac Book Pro.
Kind regards,
Ondrej Kolacek