A Seriously strange detection...


I did do a Malwarebytes scan now and when i did it in the end of the result i did got 2 surprises that im really worried and its Java… So i want help on what to do…

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\sunjavaupdatesched (Trojan.Agent) → No action taken.
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jusched.exe (Trojan.Agent) → No action taken.


Follow the direction here

Then post the developer log here

We can send the log by email too ?

I don’t think so

Well i respond to my self you can do send email to them. http://www.malwarebytes.org/contact.php

Much more convenient to post on the forum rather then emailing them

Yes you can but I would say that the contact us link isn’t designed for use in this way. I have found reporting FPs through the normal channels (as in mathboyx215 first reply) gets a pretty fast response and action.

Not to mention, running with the developer switch provided them with more information on the detection. Though I have the JAVA update check disabled that is what the jusched.exe is for.

I have just done a quick scan and no alert, version 1.41 and database version 2782.

Well never had problem by contacting in email with them they are really helpfull and hope they correct it…

Latest database version is 2785.You might consider update the database and run a scan again to see if it is being detected

They will correct the false positive in next update thx math for the links its helped a lot for the log to them.

I love really mush their support its fast and great !



I generally only update it once a week (dial-up user), Friday evening early Saturday morning, so not much difference in the version number.

Just updated again and scanned (Database version: 2786) and no detection. So either it has been corrected in the latest update or my not having it active doesn’t alert.

Yup a support guy of Malwarebytes said its corrected in the next update. So i did update to the latest 2786 and no detection found. Great !!!
