I did do a Malwarebytes scan now and when i did it in the end of the result i did got 2 surprises that im really worried and its Java… So i want help on what to do…
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\sunjavaupdatesched (Trojan.Agent) → No action taken.
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jusched.exe (Trojan.Agent) → No action taken.
Yes you can but I would say that the contact us link isn’t designed for use in this way. I have found reporting FPs through the normal channels (as in mathboyx215 first reply) gets a pretty fast response and action.
Not to mention, running with the developer switch provided them with more information on the detection. Though I have the JAVA update check disabled that is what the jusched.exe is for.
I have just done a quick scan and no alert, version 1.41 and database version 2782.
I generally only update it once a week (dial-up user), Friday evening early Saturday morning, so not much difference in the version number.
Just updated again and scanned (Database version: 2786) and no detection. So either it has been corrected in the latest update or my not having it active doesn’t alert.