a stupid question/virus protection question/thought

Hi all, i am new to this forum, i hope i posted this in the right area. anyways i am a serious gamer. if i wasnt repairing my computer or trying to i would tell you i use to be the queen of posts on a forum called nsider a nintendo forum till they closed it.

now my question/thought is since the new game systems like xbox,xbox 360,playstation 2,playstation 3,wii and nintendo ds is out and can browse the net isnt it possible for them to get viruses? i mean nintendo uses opera for there systems browsers.

anyways dont you think like avast and other ani-virus companys should make virus protection for game systems after all there computers? whats your thoughts on it?

Although games consoles can run web browsers, the underlying architecture is different, so even if a browser exploit were possible, infection of of the console would not. (At the moment.) And of course, if you use a secure and up to date browser, even that first line of defence is unlikely to be breached.

It’s something to keep an eye on for the future, but would you really want to slow down your games console by running an AV? Games console viruses would probably be of the social engineering type: a Trojan “mod”, as described for the PlayStation portable below. These are easy to avoid by taking sensible precautions: don’t run anything on a console that’s not from a trusted source.

Thoughts on console viruses from an AV company here:

Natasha Staley, technical consultant at Sophos, claimed a virus threat is not imminent.

“Technically, it is viable that a virus could infect a games console but we have not seen any viruses written specifically for games consoles to date. Virus authors go for the easiest route to hitting as many users as possible and I don’t think that games consoles facilitate this at present.”


Thoughts from a user here:

gotta be bs. Viruses are programmed to attack certain files or types of files. Unless someone found a way to compile a virus for it I doubt this is true. Plus transmitting it would be difficult seeing as playing games don't usually allow for that type of code to execute. The file system of the X-Box is not truely compatable with PC's, hence the need for FTP and XDK


Although viruses don’t seem to be an issue at the moment, security (setting a secure password) is:

getting into people xbox's through ftp is really easy sometimes. Some people have them hooked right up to their modems and pretty much with the default settings (username/password) so you just have to start hitting random IP's and sooner or later you get a hit. Sorry about yours getting penetrated....just crappy luck.

(Same source.)

An example of a ‘social-engineering’ console Trojan here:

The good news is that it is pretty easy to keep your PSP from getting infected. The program is being billed as a "mod" to hack the PSP. It promises to allow Sony PSP users to run special code and games on their devices, in essence hacking the PlayStation portable. However, it doesn't do anything of the kind and instead makes the machine as useful as a pet rock. So, unless you specifically download a mod for your PSP and install it, this virus could not affect your system. Most PSP users simply plug games in and play them the way the developers intended -- these people do not have to worry about this Trojan horse. Due to this, virus experts are considering this a fairly low level threat.


This is a phalasy. Most people think a virus is just that and that a trojan and worm are completly different. These are just ‘nerds’…no offense…getting WAY to literal about things. Back before there were variations of virus’ out…think back to BBC boards and the like…ANYTHING that created malicous code/scenario/redirect were called a virus.

Its not like a human where we have bacterail and viral infections. BTW…I did work for G-6 ISMO in the USMC if you want to argue facts, go right ahead.

Bottom line, there is ALOT of money on these platforms now, and thats what VIRUS’(whether you have a trojan, a worm, or just ijected malicous code) are about now days. Its why I dont FTP, P2P, or any type of fileshare anymore. Why wouldnt there be a virus. I can tell you that Noaln Hass of SCEA has admitted to me the existance of a ‘virus’ on the PS3. Now being that the PS3 runs what is known as an ‘Operating Enviroment’ vs. a regular OS; most things are cleared up when you shut it off.

However, there is file structure that is being attacked/injected. Your Game Data; both updated and saved game material. The way these are fed is using the channels that ARE NOT monitored/UNRATED. Ahh yes, the beloved audio/video chat lines.

I can verify that when you have a game that allows for muting of ALL players, you get an entiely different gaming experience. And once it is realized thats what you are doing, you start to see toons dropping out and back into matches(as far as COD is concerned). This goes for ALL online gaming.

I would love to see Alwil jump all over this as when you break it down, its our kids they are trying to impress, I know Im not impressed but merely annoyed.

As far as the Internet Browser architecture, why would the PS3 allow for buying TrendMicro Total Web Security for the PS3…which BTW I cannot get to on my PS3, like when you are infected with a virus that stops one from going to ANY AV solution provider…hmmm


??? …and Iv been banned for discussing this on the PS3 forums ???

Lets see SCEA ban this… 8)

You have posted randumbly in a 2year old topic. :wink:

btw, your email is showing public…

Yes it is…but still pertinent.

…and thanks this will be fixed ASAP, any chance Alwil can change the default to NOT SHOW someones email!!! After all, that would make secure sense :o
