A victim of the Win32:Delf-MZG (Trj): What actually happened?


We’ve all been voicing our concerns with the problems hit last week and that it was caused by a false positive. I have read most posts and I am still very unsure to what happened to cause this. I know that we are all human and can make mistakes but surely this shows that one step was missed when this update was issued? If the update had gone into testing prior to being issued this would have shown the problem up in about 5 minutes. It hard for me to understand how this was missed, I understand the complexity involved with definition files which is even more of a reason to why the testing should have taken place. I think that Alwil Software owe their loyal user base an answer and some assurances.

I have always removed infected files that could not be repaired, it is something I’ve always carried out (more fool me I suppose!) After this maybe using the quarantine facility is a better bet. I think the answer should be repair the file if possible and if not quarantine the file (this should be default!) Force the user into retrieving the file later as the normal action. Lets remove the noddy user factor if we can after this occurrence OR maybe if there is a mass outbreak perhaps shutting the machine down so you don’t cripple the OS or apps?

My experience of the update was that I had to do a full rebuild. It happened during a live demo of software and I was lucky it was an internal demo. As you can read I am pretty calm about all this but I am also deeply disappointed with Alwil making a terrible mistake. I do feel sorry for the many corporate companies which became crippled by the issue especially when they thought they are being protected.

I hope somebody from Alwil can provide another statement and some assurances. Avast is still the best AV out there despite the issue, at least Avast does not let virus’ run riot across your system and destroy critical data.


Also see - http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=51783.0.

Thank you for both replies. That is why I stick with Avast because of their honesty. Not many companies like that today!

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